Faded Examples and Dplyr Hurricanes

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Faded Examples…

The rrricanesdata

# A tibble: 13,588 x 18
   Key      Adv Date                Status  Name    Lat    Lon  Wind  Gust
   <chr>  <dbl> <dttm>              <chr>   <chr> <dbl>  <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
 1 EP192…  1.00 2017-10-04 09:00:00 Tropic… Ramon  14.3 - 96.0  40.0  50.0
 2 AL162…  1.00 2017-10-04 15:00:00 Tropic… Sixt…  12.2 - 81.9  30.0  40.0
 3 EP192…  2.00 2017-10-04 15:00:00 Tropic… Ramon  14.9 - 96.5  40.0  50.0
 4 AL162…  2.00 2017-10-04 21:00:00 Tropic… Sixt…  12.5 - 82.5  30.0  40.0
 5 EP192…  3.00 2017-10-04 21:00:00 Tropic… Ramon  15.2 - 97.7  40.0  50.0
 6 AL162…  3.00 2017-10-05 03:00:00 Tropic… Sixt…  12.8 - 82.7  30.0  40.0
 7 EP192…  4.00 2017-10-05 03:00:00 Tropic… Ramon  14.8 -102    30.0  40.0
 8 AL162…  4.00 2017-10-05 09:00:00 Tropic… Sixt…  13.3 - 83.3  30.0  40.0
 9 EP192…  5.00 2017-10-05 09:00:00 Remnan… Ramon  15.0 -102    20.0  30.0
10 AL162…  5.00 2017-10-05 15:00:00 Tropic… Nate   14.3 - 83.7  35.0  45.0
# ... with 13,578 more rows, and 9 more variables: Pressure <dbl>,
#   PosAcc <dbl>, FwdDir <dbl>, FwdSpeed <dbl>, Eye <dbl>, SeasNE <dbl>,
#   SeasSE <dbl>, SeasSW <dbl>, SeasNW <dbl>

Max Gusts per Storm

The ungroup() is only needed if there is no summarize()

Max Forward Speed per Storm

Minimum Pressure per Storm

Maximum Latitude per Storm Type

Grouping and summarizing

Average Gust per Status Only

How many rows?

Average Forward Speed by Storm

Averge Pressure by Status

A little mutate

Add “Quarter”

What is Quarter?

Testing before overwriting

Testing before overwriting

  [1] 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
 [36] 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
 [71] 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

Testing before overwriting

Testing before overwriting

[1] 4 3 2 1

Now I feel comfortable

Add month, day, and year

Challenge: add decades

Hint: you might need a nice round function…

Plot Average of Max Gusts per Year by Status

Plot Average of Max Gusts per Year by Status

Some more complex workflows

Plot of Average Monthly Max Gusts per Decade

Plot of Average Monthly Max Gusts per Decade

Plot Average Maximum Storm Windspeeds by Year

Plot Average Maximum Storm Windspeeds by Year

Plot the Rank Order Distribution of Gusts by Decade

Plot the Rank Order Distribution of Gusts by Decade