
We’ve done good!

Our wrapper


get_buoy <- function(a_year){
  one_buoy <- read_buoy(a_year) %>%
    format_buoy %>%

Our Reading Function

read_buoy <- function(a_year, buoy_number = 44013, 
                      buoy_dir = "./data/buoydata/"){

  #make a file name
  buoy_file <- str_c(buoy_dir, buoy_number, "_", a_year, ".csv")
  #read in the file
  one_buoy <- read_csv(buoy_file, 
                       na = c("99", "999", 
                              "99.00", "9999.00",
                              "99.0", "9999.0",
  #return the file

Our Formatting Function

format_buoy <- function(a_buoy_df){
  a_buoy_df <- a_buoy_df %>%
    fix_year_names %>%
    fix_bad_rows %>%

With lots of subfunctions

#bad names
fix_year_names <- function(a_buoy_df){
  names(a_buoy_df) <- names(a_buoy_df) %>%
  str_replace("^YY$", "YYYY") %>%
  str_replace("X\\.YY", "YYYY")
fix_bad_rows <- function(a_buoy_df){
    a_buoy_df <- a_buoy_df[-1,] %>% 


#bad years
fix_bad_years <- function(a_buoy_df){
  return(a_buoy_df %>%
           mutate(YYYY = ifelse(YYYY < 1900, YYYY+1900, YYYY)))

Our monthly summarize

make_monthly_buoy <- function(a_buoy_df){
  buoydata <- a_buoy_df %>%
    select(YYYY, MM, WVHT, WTMP) %>%
    rename(Year = YYYY,
         Month = MM,
         Wave_Height = WVHT,
         Temperature_c = WTMP) %>%
    group_by(Year, Month) %>%
    summarise(Wave_Height = mean(Wave_Height, na.rm=T),
            Temperature_c = mean(Temperature_c, na.rm=T)) %>%


Reading in a file of functions

Often, we want to have a file with just all of our functions, so we don’t junk up our working file. This eventually extends to writing packages, but, that’s another class…


This works great for one year!

# A tibble: 7 × 4
   Year Month Wave_Height Temperature_c
  <dbl> <dbl>       <dbl>         <dbl>
1  2012     6       0.52          18.2 
2  2012     7       0.407         20.1 
3  2012     8       0.393         20.4 
4  2012     9       0.768         16.4 
5  2012    10       0.890         13.7 
6  2012    11       1.17          10.7 
7  2012    12       1.23           8.74

But what if we want…

You can load one year, but…

How do we get to there from here?

One solution:

buoys <- rbind(get_buoy(1986),


Isn’t this what computers/robots are all about?

The old school way

#create a tibble
buoys <- get_buoy(1986)

#now iterate over the remaining years and rbind
for(one_year in 1987:2013){
  buoys <- rbind(buoys, get_buoy(1986))

The Map Paradigm

Map functions

  • Take a list or vector as input

  • Apply a function to each elment of the list/vector

  • Return the corresponding object, bound together into a prespecified type

Median Example

df <- tibble(
  a = rnorm(10),
  b = rnorm(10),
  c = rnorm(10),
  d = rnorm(10)

Median Example

#This actually already loaded with tidyverse

map(df, median)
[1] 0.04465925

[1] 0.4002244

[1] 0.06169437

[1] 2.468612e-05

The Map Paradigm

## What purrr::map is doing

What if I don’t want a list

The world of maps

  • map() makes a list.
  • map_df() makes a tibble/data frame.
  • map_lgl() makes a logical vector.
  • map_int() makes an integer vector.
  • map_dbl() makes a double vector.
  • map_chr() makes a character vector.

More medians

map_dbl(df, median)
           a            b            c            d 
4.465925e-02 4.002244e-01 6.169437e-02 2.468612e-05 
map_chr(df, median)
         a          b          c          d 
"0.044659" "0.400224" "0.061694" "0.000025" 
map_df(df, median)
# A tibble: 1 × 4
       a     b      c         d
   <dbl> <dbl>  <dbl>     <dbl>
1 0.0447 0.400 0.0617 0.0000247

What if I have more than one argument?

#add extra arguments at the end
map_dbl(df, median, na.rm=T)
           a            b            c            d 
4.465925e-02 4.002244e-01 6.169437e-02 2.468612e-05 

purrr:::map with arguments

What if I have more than one argument?

We can also use ~ and a . as a placeholder:

#using ~ and .
map_dbl(df, ~ median(., na.rm=T))
           a            b            c            d 
4.465925e-02 4.002244e-01 6.169437e-02 2.468612e-05 

You try!

  1. What does map(-2:2, rnorm, n = 5) do? How is it different from map_dbl(-2:2, rnorm, n = 5)?

  2. Get the mean of each column of df

  3. Compute the number of unique values in each column of iris (hint, you’ll need length and unique)!

Now, what about our data problem?

  • We have a lot of years

  • These years can be put into a vector - 1986:2013, so….

Your turn again!

  • Make one big tibble using map_df(), a vector of years, and get_buoy

  • Get the annual mean of wave height

  • Plot!

One Line to rule them all

all_buoys <- map_df(1986:2013, get_buoy)
# A tibble: 331 × 4
    Year Month Wave_Height Temperature_c
   <dbl> <dbl>       <dbl>         <dbl>
 1  1986     1     NaN              3.62
 2  1986     2     NaN              2.68
 3  1986     3     NaN              3.04
 4  1986     4     NaN              6.42
 5  1986     5     NaN             10.5 
 6  1986     6       0.470         13.7 
 7  1986     7       0.401         17.1 
 8  1986     8       0.517         18.1 
 9  1986     9       0.487         14.9 
10  1986    10       0.683         12.8 
# ℹ 321 more rows

A Standard Workflow

#Annual Means
annual_buoys <- all_buoys %>%
  group_by(Year) %>%
  summarize(Wave_Height = mean(Wave_Height, na.rm=T),
            Temperature_c = mean(Temperature_c, na.rm=T))

       aes(x=Year, y=Wave_Height)) +

Our Plot

Variations on a purrr

  • If we want map to do something, but not return an output, use purrr::walk().

  • If we have 2 lists, map2().

  • If we have n lists, pmap()!

Walk is invisible

par(mfrow = c(2,1))

walk(c(2002, 2003), ~ get_buoy(.) |> 
       plot(Temperature_c ~ Month, data = _) )

par(mfrow = c(1,1))

Walk is invisible

Iterate through two things with map2

x <- 1:10
y <- 11:20

map2_dbl(x, y, sum)
 [1] 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30

Iterate through two things with map2

Iterate through many things with pmap

x <- 1:10
y <- 11:20
z <- 101:110

pmap_dbl(list(x, y, z),
 [1] 113 116 119 122 125 128 131 134 137 140

Iterate through many things with pmap

Final Exercises

  1. Write a function that given a year will give you the mean temperature from a buoy. Then use walk() and cat() (with get_buoy()) to print out the mean temperatures for every file.

  2. Use map2_chr(), paste or str_c(), and the output get_buoy(2002)’s Year and Month Columns (as arguments to map2) to make a character vector of dates in the format “Month-1-Year” using 1 to represent the first day of the month. Yes, you could do this via dplyr, but let’s play with map2() to make sure you get it.