Making Data Tell its Story

First, some fun!

First, some fun!


ggplot(iris, aes(x=Petal.Length, y = Petal.Width, color=Species)) +
  geom_point(size=3) +
  theme_pomological(base_family = 'Homemade Apple', base_size=16) +

First, some fun!

First, some fun!

See also

Where are we going?


  1. Think about how sampling influences data structure

  2. Consider how we summarize our data

  3. A little bit o’ Boolean

  4. The split-apply-combine philosophy

How much does one salmon weigh?

Weight: 3.09kg

How much do these salmon weigh?

3.09, 2.91, 3.06, 2.69, 2.88, 2.98, 1.61, 2.16, 1.56, 1.76

What can we say about the weights of all of these salmon?

Pair up with someone and come up all of the information you can think of that would summarize this population.

Population versus Sample

What is a population?

Population = All Individuals

What is a sample?

A sample of individuals in a randomly distributed population.

What are the properties of a good sample?

  • Sample is representative
  • Replicates have an equal chance of being sampled
  • Replicates are independent

Bias from Unequal Representation

If you only chose one color, you would only get one range of sizes.

Bias from Unequal Change of Sampling

Spatial gradient in size

Bias from Unequal Change of Sampling

Oh, I’ll just grab those individuals closest to me…

Good Sampling Schemes: Stratified Sampling

Sample over a known gradient, aka cluster sampling

Can incorporate multiple gradients

Good Sampling Schemes: Random Sampling

Two sampling schemes:
  • Random - samples chosen using random numbers
  • Haphazard - samples chosen without any system (careful!)

Stratified or Random?

  • How is your population defined?

  • What is the scale of your inference?

  • What might influence the inclusion of a replicate?

  • How important are external factors you know about?

  • How important are external factors you cannot assess?

Different Sampling for Different Populations

Consider each scenario and in pairs design a sampling schema:
1. Population = All salmon across all rivers
2. Population = Salmon in one river


  1. Think about how sampling influences data structure

  2. Consider how we summarize our data

  3. A little bit o’ Boolean

  4. The split-apply-combine philosophy

Our Data

Sample versus Population Summarization

  • We assume a sample is representative of a population

  • Therefore, sample statistics are estimates of population statistics

  • Larger Samples = Better Estimators

Accuracy versus Precision

Central Tendancy: Mean

\(\bar{Y} = \frac{ \displaystyle \sum_{i=1}^{n}{y_{i}} }{n}\)

\(\large \bar{Y}\) - The average value of a sample
\(y_{i}\) - The value of a measurement for a single individual
n - The number of individuals in a sample
\(\mu\) - The average value of a population
(Greek = population, Latin = Sample)

Median - Dead Center

 [1] 1.56 1.61 1.76 2.16 2.69 2.88 2.91 2.98 3.06 3.09

Middle Value = 50th Percentile = 0.5 Quantile = Median
good for non-normal data

[1] 1.855

Central Tendancies

mean, median

What about population-level variability?

What is the range of 2/3 of the population?

What about population-level variability?

What is the range of 2/3 of the population?

Sample Properties: Variance

How variable was that population? \[\large s^2= \frac{\displaystyle \sum_{i=1}^{n}{(Y_i - \bar{Y})^2}} {n-1}\]

  • Sums of Squares over n-1
  • n-1 corrects for both sample size and sample bias
  • \(\sigma^2\) if describing the population
  • Units in square of measurement…

Sample Properties: Standard Deviation

\[ \large s = \sqrt{s^2}\]

  • Units the same as the measurement
  • If distribution is normal, 67% of data within 1 SD
  • 95% within 2 SD
  • \(\sigma\) if describing the population

What about population-level variability?

Variability: Quantiles and Quartiles

 [1] 1.56 1.61 1.76 2.16 2.69 2.88 2.91 2.98 3.06 3.09


    5%    10%    50%    90%    95% 
1.4270 1.5300 1.8550 2.9430 3.0865 

Quartiles (quarter-quantiles):

    0%    25%    50%    75%   100% 
1.1800 1.6400 1.8550 2.2675 3.5300 


Boxplot of One Population

Boxplot of Many Populations

Meh, I still like ridgelines


  1. Think about how sampling influences data structure

  2. Consider how we summarize our data

  3. A little bit o’ Boolean

  4. The split-apply-combine philosophy

What do we want to see?

# A tibble: 228 × 3
    mass river mass_class 
   <dbl> <chr> <fct>      
 1  3.09 a     (2.75,3.14]
 2  2.91 b     (2.75,3.14]
 3  3.06 c     (2.75,3.14]
 4  2.69 d     (2.35,2.75]
 5  2.88 e     (2.75,3.14]
 6  2.98 f     (2.75,3.14]
 7  1.61 a     (1.57,1.96]
 8  2.16 b     (1.96,2.35]
 9  1.56 c     [1.18,1.57]
10  1.76 d     (1.57,1.96]
# … with 218 more rows

Our Hero…



filter(salmon, mass > 2)
# A tibble: 74 × 3
    mass river mass_class 
   <dbl> <chr> <fct>      
 1  3.09 a     (2.75,3.14]
 2  2.91 b     (2.75,3.14]
 3  3.06 c     (2.75,3.14]
 4  2.69 d     (2.35,2.75]
 5  2.88 e     (2.75,3.14]
 6  2.98 f     (2.75,3.14]
 7  2.16 b     (1.96,2.35]
 8  3.3  f     (3.14,3.53]
 9  3.25 e     (3.14,3.53]
10  2.18 f     (1.96,2.35]
# … with 64 more rows


filter(salmon, river == "a")
# A tibble: 38 × 3
    mass river mass_class 
   <dbl> <chr> <fct>      
 1  3.09 a     (2.75,3.14]
 2  1.61 a     (1.57,1.96]
 3  1.91 a     (1.57,1.96]
 4  2.13 a     (1.96,2.35]
 5  1.53 a     [1.18,1.57]
 6  1.75 a     (1.57,1.96]
 7  1.76 a     (1.57,1.96]
 8  1.72 a     (1.57,1.96]
 9  2.29 a     (1.96,2.35]
10  1.74 a     (1.57,1.96]
# … with 28 more rows

Logical Operators

Many Filters

filter(salmon, river == "a" & mass > 3)
# A tibble: 4 × 3
   mass river mass_class 
  <dbl> <chr> <fct>      
1  3.09 a     (2.75,3.14]
2  3.04 a     (2.75,3.14]
3  3.11 a     (2.75,3.14]
4  3.05 a     (2.75,3.14]

Many Filters

filter(salmon, river == "a" & mass > 3) |>
# A tibble: 1 × 1
1     4
filter(salmon, river == "b" & mass > 3) |>
# A tibble: 1 × 1
1     4

Pipes pass an object as the first argument to a function

5 |> sum(4)
[1] 9
salmon |> count()
# A tibble: 1 × 1
1   228

Pipes and Functional Programming

  • We often thing in terms of do this, then then, then this

  • Programming that way requires overwriting a lot of objects

  • It gets…. messy

Functional Programming Workflow

#filter the salmon data by river

#filter the salmon data by mass

#get the count of the salmon

Functional Programming Can get Verbose

#filter the salmon data by river
salmon_filtered <- filter(salmon, river == "a") 

#filter the salmon data by mass
salmon_filtered <- filter(salmon_filtered, mass > 3) 

#get the count of the salmon

Pipes Make Programs Read Like Language!

salmon_filtered <- salmon |>
  #filter the salmon data by river
  filter(river == "a") |>
  #filter the salmon data by mass
  filter(mass > 3) |>
  #get the count of the salmon


  1. Think about how sampling influences data structure

  2. Consider how we summarize our data

  3. A little bit o’ Boolean

  4. The split-apply-combine philosophy

Where are we going?


  • Filtering and working with one chunk of the data is not enough

  • We often want to summarize information about many groups



  1. What are things you want to know about different rivers in the salmon data?

  2. What are things you want to know about different size classes in the salmon data?

Grouping by River

salmon_rivers <- salmon |>

  group_by(river) |>
  summarize(mean_mass = mean(mass),
            sd_mass = sd(mass))

What can we do with this?

arrange(salmon_rivers, mean_mass)
# A tibble: 6 × 3
  river mean_mass sd_mass
  <chr>     <dbl>   <dbl>
1 d          1.89   0.450
2 e          1.98   0.491
3 c          2.04   0.548
4 f          2.04   0.612
5 b          2.10   0.608
6 a          2.11   0.511

What can we do with this?

Custom Counts